Let’s say we recommend to our patient that s/he should see a cognitive therapist. But we may not know of a cognitive therapist close to where the patient lives. Also, how do we know if the psychotherapist has any real training or expertise in cognitive therapy?
Here are two resources that we can recommend for finding a cognitive therapist with at least some credentials or credibility.
Academy of Cognitive Therapy
The Academy of Cognitive Therapy (www.academyofct.org) is an organization that certifies cognitive therapists and its website allows you to search for a cognitive therapist by location.

Clicking on “Find a Therapist” brings you to the page shown in the image below:

To try it out, click on the link below and do a search for the area near your office.
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Another great resource for finding a therapist with expertise in CBT is the Association of Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.
To try it out, click on the link below and do a search for the area near your office.
Find a CBT therapist
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Last updated February 2021
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Disclaimer: The content on this website is provided as general education for medical professionals. It is not intended or recommended for patients or other laypersons or as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Patients must always consult a qualified health care professional regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Healthcare professionals should always check this website for the most recently updated information.
What about all of the CBT therapist who choose to not join the ABCT? How do we find them?
When we are referring a patient for cognitive therapy, the best option is, of course, to refer to a cognitive therapist whom we know is excellent and have worked with before. But, when that is not an option, I would be skeptical about referring to someone who has not been certified by one of the major organizations listed on this page. The problem is that anyone can say that they are a cognitive therapist (and many do!).