“The books we read should be chosen with great care, that they may be, as an Egyptian king wrote over his library, ‘The medicines of the soul.” – Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
On this page are links to the BEST books on different topics–for mental health clinicians and their patients.
We should *routinely* recommend to patients (and their loved ones) very *specific* book(s) about their illness because this allows patients to educate themselves. Two rules about this that I follow are:
1) Only one or two of the best books for that purpose, NOT a list of twenty. Listing twenty usually guarantees that the person will read none.
2) Only books that are practical and will be USEFUL, not those that are just “interesting.”
If you have other books that you would highly recommend, please share them at the bottom of this page (under “Leave a Reply”)
For clinicians
Psychiatric Evaluation
BEST books on psychiatric interviewing
Psychiatric Disorders
BEST books on suicide risk assessment and management
BEST books on adult ADHD: For clinicians
BEST books on geriatric psychiatry for clinicians
BEST books for clinicians about evaluating and treating personality disorders
BEST books on Adult Asperger’s Syndrome: For clinicians
BEST books on inpatient psychiatry
BEST books on body dysmorphic disorder: For clinicians
BEST books about eating disorders: For clinicians
Medications and Side Effects
BEST books on psychological factors in effectively prescribing medications
BEST books on managing side effects (adverse effects) of psychotropic medications
Non-Medication Interventions
BEST books on learning psychotherapy
BEST books for clinicians: Learning motivational interviewing
Best books on mindfulness and mindfulness meditation
BEST books on psychological factors in effectively prescribing medications
BEST books on time management
Interpreting and using the research literature
BEST books on Evidence-Based Medicine
BEST Books on Statistics: For Clinicians
BEST books about doing presentations
For patients and their families
How to choose a rehab (recommended book for persons with substance use disorders and their families)
BEST books on adult ADHD: For patients and families
Book review: ADHD-Friendly Ways to Organize Your Life
Book review: Mindfulness prescription for Adult ADHD
Anxiety disorders
BEST books for patients with “anxiety”
BEST books for patients with panic disorder
Bipolar disorder
BEST books on bipolar disorder: For patients and families
Body Dysmorphic disorder
BEST books on body dysmorphic disorder: For patients and families
BEST books on dementia
Depressive disorders (“Depression”)
BEST books on depressive disorders: For patients and families
Eating disorders
Best books about eating disorders: For patients and their families
Fear of death
BEST books on overcoming fear of death
BEST books on dealing with grief: For patients and their families
Best Book on Mindfulness Meditation
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
Best books on OCD: For patients and families
BEST books on schizophrenia: For patients and families
Social skills
BEST books about improving social skills
Substance use — see Addictions
BEST book on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias
BEST books on how to change habits
BEST books about how to get to and maintain a healthy weight
BEST books on time management
BEST books on yoga
Disclosure: The links above are Amazon affiliate links. Buying products from Amazon.com using links on this website helps to support this website at no additional cost to the purchaser. But we still want to be fully transparent about this.
Copyright © 2018 to 2023, Simple and Practical Medical Education, LLC. All rights reserved. May not be reproduced in any form without express written permission.
Disclaimer: The content on this website is provided as general education for medical professionals. It is not intended or recommended for patients or other laypersons or as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Patients must always consult a qualified healthcare professional regarding their diagnosis and treatment. Healthcare professionals should always check this website for the most recently updated information.
The Medication Interest Model by Dr. Shawn Christopher Shea is a must-read for all prescribing providers
Looking for a book for an 83 year old female patient. First episode of depression precipitated by fear of death. Is physically very healthy and has a great life. Thanks
In response to your request, Dr. Mansoor, we have added a page that addresses this need. Please see https://simpleandpractical.com/recommended-best-books-fear-of-death/
So glad the second edition is now available. Along with this site “Simple and Practical” I look forward to another very useful reference
Excellent news about the upcoming interview and the new 2nd edition! Agreed, this book is a very useful resource and I use it on a regular basis.
A great book is: “Managing the side effects of psychotropic medications” by Joseph Goldberg and Carrie Ernst. A second edition will be released in July 2018. This book is complete and very helpful.
Absolutely agree! It is a terrific book. I am waiting for the second edition to add it to this page. I will also interview Dr. Goldberg on video about the book. As you know, Dr. Goldberg is on the Editorial Board of Simple and Practical Mental Health.