By Judith Kolberg and Kathleen Nadeau, PhD
(Reviewed by Rajnish Mago, MD)
Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) suffer from chronic disorganization — of their possessions, their time, and ultimately of life itself. Anyone and everyone puts in their two cents worth of advice but it is hard or even impossible for persons with ADHD to follow this advice. Strategies that work for others often don’t work for persons with ADHD.
If you had to bring together two authors who would perfectly synergize in writing a book about how persons with ADHD could organize their lives, who would they be? This wonderfully useful book is written by a professional organizer who helps persons with ADHD and other chronically disorganized persons, along with a PhD psychologist who is an expert on ADHD.
The book covers general issues about the topic and then has sections devoted to organizing Things, Time, and Paper.
The entire book is written in an ADD-friendly way. The cover is brightly colored and attractive, the text is not densely packed, key points are highlighted by drawing large ovals around them with an arrow pointing to the oval (kind of hard to miss), catchy phrases make certain ideas memorable, and a boxed review of key points is provided at the end of each chapter.
Without a doubt, it is one of the best of the many self-help books on ADHD that I have personally reviewed.
For my other top choices of books for patients and their families, see Recommended Books on ADHD for Patients and Families.
For my top choices of books for clinicians, see Recommended Books on ADHD for Clinicians.
Related Pages
Book review: Mindfulness Prescription for ADHD
ADHD as a difference in cognition, not a disorder. Talk from TEDx (External link)
Four C’s for dealing with ADHD (External link)
Things that can masquerade as ADHD (External link)
BEST books: Main page
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