“Brilliant! ‘Simple and practical’ just doesn’t do justice to how much ‘need-to-know’ evidence is covered. Hats off, Dr. Mago! Indebted to your service way more than the ridiculously inexpensive subscription. Thank you!”
Roshan Dasari, MD, Psychiatrist in Centerville, Iowa (USA).
“I look forward to reading Simple and Practical every day! I wish I would have found it sooner. I find pearls to help me manage medications and side effects that I often wondered about but didn’t know where to find the answers to my questions. It is truly simple, practical, and the most helpful and informative site I have found. Quick, easy to access and spot on! Thank you so much, Dr. Mago. I can’t recommend it enough!”
Diane O’Donnell MSN APNP (Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA).
“Wow! I had no idea what I was missing. I look forward to my psychopharm lesson each day — and have already gathered many pearls that have tweaked my practice pattern. I’ve been getting Simple and Practical for about 3 months now, and have told so many colleagues about it. It is a must-have!”
Nzinga Harrison, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Anka Behavioral Health Inc.
“Great tips! Useful and easy to digest. Highly recommended. Your website is invaluable and saves me SOOO much time. Love it!”
Amelia Villagomez, MD (Adult and Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist; Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona, USA)
“I want to personally thank you for your website “simpleandpractical”, as it’s significantly influencing my clinical practice in a very positive and significant way! And correcting some bull**it I was doing in my prescribing practice. “
Roberto Pagani, MD (Psychiatrist in Orselina, Switzerland).
“Simple and Practical is an amazing source of information for the clinical psychiatrist. Since getting this subscription my knowledge base has really expanded and it has made me a much better doctor. I like the fact that everything is clinically relevant. I highly recommend this resource!!”
Shawna Deeves, MD (Psychiatrist in private practice, San Antonio, Texas, USA)
“Simple and Practical is the best resource for any psychiatric provider or graduate student. I first discovered Simple and Practical during my graduate education at Duke University. Simple and Practical is my go-to resource for all things psych because the information is first and foremost evidenced-based, accurate, and referenced. The information, clinical pearls, and nuggets of wisdom are also succinct, relevant, invaluable, simple, and to the point. As a new PMHNP graduate, Simple and Practical has provided me with so much wisdom and helped me to advance my knowledge and gain the confidence I need entering into practice. This is a must-have resource and the most valuable resource you will want or need at a price that is so affordable and well worth it. The daily emails are an absolute must and a highlight to my inbox. The emails provide bite-size, easily digestible, and very important topics that help to bring knowledge together with patient care to improve clinical practice and outcomes. This is truly the only resource you will ever need.”
Lori Kistler, MSN, PMHNP-BC, Charlotte Metro Area, North Carolina
“Simple and Practical is a boon to my practice. The topics chosen are highly relevant to my practice as a clinician and the review and tips are succinct. When I open my email I look for the daily email. The information is accurate and referenced. I have nurse practitioners and physician assistants working with me who have also seen the light in using this subscription. It is a must for every clinician in today’s busy practice.”
Sanjay Gupta MD (Adult and Geriatric Psychiatrist, Consulting Psychiatrist DENT Neurological Institute. Medical Director, Geriatric and Adult Psychiatry, Mid-Erie Clinic. Chief Medical Officer, Brylin Hospital, Buffalo, New York. Clinical Professor, Departments of Psychiatry SUNY at Buffalo and SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse, New York)
“What you do in distilling the evidence into bite-size chunks for practitioners is so incredibly valuable.”
Elizabeth A. Faust, MD (Psychiatrist in the Fargo VA Healthcare System)
“Your emails are the highlight of my day, thank you…On behalf of my patients, I would also like to thank you for all the practical tips.”
Anina Abrie, MD (Psychiatrist in Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada)
“Simple and Practical really is so helpful. Can’t tell you how many times I have looked for answers to questions / concerns and found them! THANK YOU!”
Romani George, MD (Psychiatrist in Plymouth Meeting, PA: Medical Director Community Care Behavioral Health Organization)
“What a fabulous service you have provided for so many of our colleagues. You are a master of providing peer-reviewed important psychopharmacological information, simple and to the point!”
Vivien K. Burt, MD, PhD. Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Science, The David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California at Los Angeles, and Founder and Co-Director, The Women’s Life Center Resnick UCLA Neuropsychiatric Hospital (Los Angeles, California, USA). Dr. Burt is on the Editorial Board of Simple and Practical Medical Education.
“I love Simple and Practical. You do a wonderful job choosing topics and staying true to your name!”
Maureen Goldman, MD. Private practice (New York, New York)
“I am impressed with the breadth of practical knowledge and how well you convey it to your readers. I look forward to the daily emails and have made changes to my clinical practice based on the information you have conveyed.”
Mark Zimmerman, MD. Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and Director of Adult Outpatient Psychiatry and the Partial Hospital Program, Rhode Island Hospital (Providence, Rhode Island, USA). Dr. Zimmerman is on the Editorial Board of Simple and Practical Medical Education.
“The uniform enthusiasm about Simple and Practical reflects my own sentiments as a relatively new reader of the daily blog. [It] provides a very balanced and honest review of the issues thus engendering confidence in the reader that we are receiving a valid and objective opinion and recommendation. The breadth of knowledge and energy required to maintain such a high level of review and advice on a daily basis is truly remarkable. A great service to clinicians and academics alike.”
Kenneth Shulman, MD, SM, FRCPsych, FRCP(C). Professor of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, and Affiliate Scientist, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
“I have been reading Simple and Practical entries every day for several months, and have found them to be highly useful nuggets of concise, evidence-driven and indeed very practical brief summaries of clinical treatment issues that psychiatrists (and psychiatric residents) face almost daily. I commend Raj Mago for this crisp and valuable education he provides to psychiatric practitioners and I strongly recommend subscribing to this service.”
Henry Nasrallah, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine (Cincinnati, Ohio, USA). Dr. Nasrallah is on the Editorial Board of Simple and Practical Medical Education.
“I have practiced Psychiatry in an academic medical center for 45 years, and in the past few years, I have come to rely on Simple and Practical to provide useful and rapid information to address both clinical problems and to inform my teaching of students, residents, and fellows. S&P targets practical issues and problems that arise in everyday clinical practice with information which is concise, relevant, and supported by scientific evidence. It is rapidly accessible and provides information right at the time it is needed.”
James L. Stinnett, MD, Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA).
“My Simple and Practical Mental Health subscription has been the best investment I could ever make in terms of Continuing Medical Education. High-quality reliable content, exclusively clinical, applicable in my daily practice, and really affordable (I would say cheap but that might sound derogatory!). The daily emails are bite-sized, the website is exhaustive, and even specific clinical questions are answered very quickly. I strongly recommend this service, it will not disappoint!”
Maya Jalbert, M.D., FRCPC. Psychiatrist (Montreal, Canada)
“Thank you so much for taking the time to write this amazing and most helpful article. Over the course of my long medical career, I have asked many questions -my supervisors, professors and colleagues, presenters at conferences… I don’t think that anyone provided me with so much useful information. I wish I had known about this wonderful website before. I am talking to my colleagues about it all the time. “
Visnja Novacki, MD (Psychiatrist in private practice, Reston, Virginia, USA)
“The quest of knowledge and putting it into simple words and practicable format is the basis of Simple and Practical Mental Health. I have read every email for the past three years or more and I have found them very useful in clinical practice. This is an excellent source of updating knowledge and asking questions for one’s everyday problems in clinical practice. I strongly recommend clinicians to join this program and improve clinical practice.”
Anil K. Agarwal, MD. Formerly Professor and Head of the Department of Psychiatry, King George’s Medical College, Lucknow, India.
“Every day, incredibly useful clinical pearls. After 30 years of practice, I am amazed by how much I didn’t know! Best [education] $ ever spent!”
Mark Komrad, MD (Baltimore, Maryland, USA). http://www.komradmd.com/
“After 25 years practicing psychiatry, I have tried many types of CME, Updates, Newsletters, etc and I receive the most consistent knowledge from your website and emails. This is the best source of Continuing Education I have found in 25 years.”
John Justice, MD (West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, West Virginia, USA).
“It is a very useful website that is unlike any other resource that I have seen. Great, great stuff.”
Kari Groff, MD (Private Practice, New York, USA).
“Dr. Mago, I just want to say “thank you!” This is truly the best money I’ve spent on educational material…I’ve been steadily getting these pearls in my inbox and read each one and can say that your efforts are very much appreciated.”
Mo Dattu, MD (Private Practice, Pennsylvania, USA).
“I have been going through your amazing tips daily in between seeing patients. I feel like I have taken away more in a month than I did in a year reading [other well-known sources]”
Bowie Han, MD (PGY-3 resident, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois, USA)
“Your ‘simple and practicals’ have helped me out immensely—information we don’t ordinarily get.”
Karen Giuliani, NP, PhD (Private Practice, Massapequa, New York, USA)
“I LOVE this website and its content. Its relevance and format are superb!”
Thomas G. Howington (PMHNP-BC, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi, USA)
“Love your daily emails….look forward every morning when I wake up….Straight forward information, well-researched, and with no ambiguity.”
Mumbi, NP (Private practice, Anaheim, California, USA)
“I can’t keep track of how many times I’ve used this resource clinically.”
Ariela Green, MD (Private practice and Clinical Instructor in Psychiatry, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)
“This is an outstanding resource. Short, quick pearls. I learn something practical every day.”
Madeleine Becker, MD (Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA).
“I have enjoyed receiving pieces from Simple and Practical. I and my patients have benefited very much from the well-presented and well-written information. Simple and Practical is simply outstanding!”
Bick Wanck, MD (Psychiatrist and author, one of the founders of the American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry, Addictions specialist in Albany, New York, USA). http://bickwanckmd.com
“I am so grateful for the work Dr. Mago does and so generously shares with us. It is like having an everyday friend colleague to discuss with, refresh my knowledge in a variety of subjects, gain ideas and win from his experience and research. Always clinically relevant information and updates. Couldn’t be more worth it. It is so valuable that I have forgotten that I pay. I consider it a present!”
Styliani (Stella) Stathoulopoulou, MD (Senior Consultant Psychiatrist in Adult Psychiatry at Brønderslev Psychiatric Hospital, Denmark)
“Your daily posts are worth more than what we are paying for. Thanks.”
Pankaj Kishore, MD (Private practice, Albany, New York, USA).
“Thank you for this excellent website. I am not sure how I was managing to practice without this. I use it daily.”
Saba Mansoor, MD (Private practice, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA).”
“I signed up for simple and practical in 2017 and thought it was so useful and pertinent, that I subscribed for all our prescribing providers in our group practice. They provided feedback of how beneficial the daily informative emails are. I will be offering annual subscriptions to all who join our team at Oak Health Center. Thank you for this!”
Esther Park, DO (Child, adolescent, and adult psychiatrist in Southern California, USA. https://www.oak.care)
“Simple and Practical is simply and practically the best resource for the practicing clinician. Dr. Mago is a phenom! His resources and service to our profession are invaluable. Let us all pray for his ongoing vitality and service to our profession.”
Michael D. McGee, MD. (Board Certified in General Adult Psychiatry, Addiction Psychiatry, and Psychosomatic Medicine. Outpatient psychiatrist in California; Chief Medical Officer, The Haven at Pismo. Author of “The Joy of Recovery.” Website: www.wellmind.com.)
“Love my mornings. Even if I have an early start at work. I get my ‘knowledge fix’ with your emails. I feel I learn A LOT every morning from your emails. Simple and useful. You are enriching my days with these emails.”
Ahmed Raslaan Nizar, MD (County Mental Health Services, Norwich, New York, USA)
“What a wonderful service! Digestible clinical pearls on a daily basis, plus a resource for specific questions when they come up. I have gotten into the habit of searching Simple and Practical Mental Health first when I have a clinical question.”
Dominic Ferro, MD (Outpatient psychiatrist, Nanuet, New York, USA; Past President, American Society for Adolescent Psychiatry; Instructor in Psychiatry, Weill Cornell Medical College)
“I love your website–it is easy to read and very informative–just the “nuts and bolts”
Jeanne Holup, MD (Psychiatrist in Perrysburg, Ohio, USA).
“I LOVE your product and make all my students subscribe to it! I can’t tell you how much I have appreciated SPMH!”
Jennifer Y. Vaden, APRN (Covington, Kentucky, USA)
“Just wanted to let you know how much I’ve been enjoying your emails — they’re always so helpful and relevant! Thanks for sending these — this is really a wonderful service.”
Zev Wiener, MD (Psychiatrist at the UCLA Center for Integrative Oncology)
“I love Simple and Practical because I genuinely believe it makes me a better, more careful, more efficient doctor. I refer frequently to the daily emails or the site for practical information like the rate of seizures from Wellbutrin at various doses (many patients ask me for specific numbers on this) and resources like patient education handouts on managing specific side effects and pages for educating patients about what side effects are likely from a given drug. The expert interviews on real-life topics like getting better results in bipolar disorder or how to use bright light therapy are high yield as well. There is a wealth of information on his site, I have barely scratched the surface in this review. Membership has been extremely useful to me.” —
Sarah O’Neil, MD. (Adult & Child Psychiatrist. Instructor of Psychiatry, Part-Time, Harvard Medical School. Associate Psychiatrist, McLean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts, USA).
“It is impossible for practicing psychiatrists to keep up with the overwhelming amount of research of varying quality produced on a daily basis. That is why the concise and critical bits of information provided on Simple and Practical Mental Health are so valuable. Basing findings on scientific and clinically-oriented evidence, Dr. Mago filters through the literature to provide well-informed pearls of information directly applicable to real-world patient care situations. Besides appreciating the archive of answers to everyday questions on the website, I learn something new every day!”
Stanley Caroff, MD (Emeritus Professor of Psychiatry at the Perelman School of Medicine of the University of Pennsylvania).
“I have been finding it very useful. Everything is very applicable to real life practice. The articles are informative but also short and easy to read.”
Alexander Heisler, DO (University of Maryland, Baltimore, USA).
Simple and Practical is so informative and fun to read every day! I too look forward to reading Dr. Mago’s email every morning. His daily mentorship provides necessary guidelines that build clinical confidence and keeps the art of psychopharmacology exciting! Both the physician and patient benefit from our staying truly informed, safe, and effective in practice. Thank you, Dr. Mago!”
Dr. Chris Cotner (Private Practice, Kirkland, Washington, USA)
“Thanks for putting together a great website for frontline clinicians that just want the pearls simple and quick! This website has been so incredibly helpful to practicing expert psychopharmacology by providing the materials per your Member emails in such quick and easy way to digest so I can easily read this material during my busy workday. I am spreading the word amongst my colleagues at Kaiser Permanente.”
Scott Steiglitz MD (Santa Clarita, California, USA).
“Not sure if some of you have discovered this already, but I have found it interesting and helpful. Dr. Raj Mago, at the University of PA and in private practice in Philadelphia, has created a website devoted to enhancing clinician’s use of medications. One has access to a wealth of written information on the website, as well as video interviews. But what I find the coolest is that each morning, 365 days a year, he sends out a clinical psychopharm email pearl that takes about three minutes to read, and darn if it’s not something I was not aware of most of the time. Not the massively comprehensive stuff of Stephen Stahl’s website, but as Dr. Mago says, ‘Simple and Practical'”
Charles Peters, MD (Maryland, USA. http://www.charlespetersmd.com/)
“Thank you for all your work for the rest of us! Highlight of my day is reading your post!”
Mary Miller, APRN
“I have been pleasantly surprised to receive daily emails with practical psychopharmacology tips. I find them to be very relevant to clinical decisions I regularly face. I file these emails in a folder that I can refer to in the future when the need arises. Thank you for the valuable service you provide.”
David Wolff, MD (Attending Psychiatrist, Mood Disorders Clinic, University of California, Los Angeles, USA)
“I feel compelled to write a review and spread the word today because a question I asked regarding a patient’s adverse effect was answered in such a detailed, well-referenced, and useful way by the incredible educator Dr. Mago. For a pittance, you get a daily well-researched “tip” about an advanced psychopharmacology topic (with references). It is the most valuable psychopharmacology resource I have access to. I feel grateful for access to the community providing “just in time” answers and valuable, unbiased education.”
Nikhil Gupta, MBBS (Psychiatrist, Triage/ Intake & Collaborative Care; Clinical Lead, MOOD Collaborative, Kaiser Permanente, Sacramento, California, USA).
“The premium content is awesome. Very helpful and practical.”
Abdelrahman Abdelaziz, MD (Newcastle, Delaware, USA)
“This service is amazing Dr. Mago. I am looking forward to it every day, and read it immediately. It is on my starred inbox emails. Thanks.”
Ahmed Eid Elaghoury, MD (Psychiatry Consultant at National Commission for Mental Health, Cairo, Egypt)
“To get answers to difficult clinical questions I had to spend hours, if not days, going through research papers. The complex statistical concepts they talked about were hard to understand. Still, sometimes, I couldn’t get my answers. Simple and Practical is exactly what I needed: Articles just of the right length to fit my attention span, written in a style that is easy to understand, and information that I can use in my clinic right away. Dr. Mago’s website is just great.”
Pankaj Kishore, MD. (Private Practice. Albany, New York, USA)
“Wow! Reading your articles is like having a mentor vested in my advancement. Your website is easy to use and very helpful.”
Allen Y. Masry, MD. (Assistant Professor Dept. of Psychiatry Rowan SOM. New Jersey, USA)
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“I again thank you for continuing to research, compile, and then share your work with others. You help make the rest of us more knowledgeable and thus hopefully better practitioners with less effort on each of our parts. We are better for your work!
As one who thrives on “feeding my head”, your sharing of USEFUL knowledge is truly invaluable. Learning is what keeps me going in life. Thank you!!”
Mary Miller, APRN
“I find your concise presentations and their content invaluable. Plus, they are great “pearls” that I use when supervising staff around clinical issues. For instance, I discussed your recent piece…with a utilization review staff … She was so appreciative to get such information in an easy to use manner.”
Glenn Lippman, MD, DLFAPA. ((Psychiatrist in private practice, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA)
“Your newsletter is one of the finest learning tools to which I have access.”
John J Lucas, MD, FRCPC. (USA)
“I love your incredibly helpful posts! Great content!
A Learning Circle member (USA)
“The content in the Learning Circle is extremely helpful, succinct and clinically relevant!”
Vinit Sawhney, MD, FRANZCP (Brisbane, Australia)
“Simple, easy to read, and a pearl for each read. Much appreciated for a busy MD.”
Madeleine Becker, MD. Philadelphia, USA. (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA.)
“I so look forward to the ‘Simple and Practical’ tips which appear regularly to my inbox. The topics are always relevant; the material is presented in a clear and concise manner. These ‘pearls’ certainly enhance my practice on a daily basis. I would recommend highly to my colleagues.”
Hope Selarnick, MD. (Philadelphia, USA).
“Thank you for your continued work on making us better clinicians! I find the content of your materials to be very applicable to my everyday practice and also very good to use when teaching other health professionals. I am looking forward to learning even more.”
Glenn Lippmann, MD, DLFAPA (Psychiatrist in private practice, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA)
“I appreciate Simple and Practical and have recommended it to my colleagues. I find each article to be relevant to my practice.”
Tricia Odham, RN, MSN, MTh, FNP-BC Trinity Wellness Center Wilmington, NC
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“Rajnish does the best interpretation the published literature that I know of, so every time you read his stuff you learn something new. In that sense, it is highly academic. But it is also combined with the wisdom of a clinician in the trenches so he offers a very rare combination.”
John O’Reardon, MD. (Private practice. New Jersey, USA).
“Amazed by Dr. Mago’s simple way of teaching complicated topics. I highly recommend this website for busy professionals to stay clinically updated. Thank you, Dr. Mago, for taking this initiative in creating Simple and Practical.”
Harvinder Singh, MD. (Pennsylvania, USA).
“I have enjoyed reading the emails from this website, the information is clinically relevant, succinct and of immediate and practical use. The information pertains to current issues, has the latest clinical updates, updates from FDA, and the latest research updates.”
Lalit S.Chaube, MD. (Chief Medical Officer, New Horizons of the Treasure Coast, Florida, USA).
“I LOVE the emails from SimpleandPractical.com. They’re extremely well written and clarify important points. The information is presented in a straightforward manner that is extremely accessible, therefore allowing it to be put into practice.”
Abigail Kay, MD. (Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA).
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“It is a real pleasure to learn the tips you teach, Thank you very much.”
Pedro Lazaro, MD
“I like the small, concentrated nuggets of information that quickly inform as to best practices.”
Lisa B. Lyell, APN. (Illinois, USA).
“I look forward to emails from SimpleandPractical.com. I am now retired from practice but keep an abiding interest in the developments in my field. I can see that the topics covered in these e-mails are succinctly written and cover areas of direct clinical relevance to practicing psychiatrists. Quite often they go over topics with which practicing psychiatrists have been wrestling for a long time and have not been able to find clear unambiguous answers. it is a great service to the profession and I can unhesitatingly recommend these to all practicing clinicians.”
O.N. Srivastava, MD. (Netherlands. Former Head of Department of Psychiatry, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, India. Former Director of Psychiatric Training, A-Opleider, at the Psychiatric Hospital Rosenburg, now called Parnassia, in The Hague.)
“Simple and Practical is very useful to me. It’s a summary of the most important clinical cues we need for our practice, especially the emails we receive daily. I spend just 5 to 10 minutes reading the daily email and learn something new every day.”
Laila Akhbarati, MD. (Psychiatrist in private practice in Fresno and Anaheim, California, USA.)
“‘Simple and Practical’ has been an important part of my psychiatry practice and without a doubt helped many of my patients! It is a great source of relevant, practical, and incredibly useful information for any psychiatrist in practice.”
Rohit Pawar, MD. (Psychiatrist in private practice in Saint Louis, Missouri, USA)
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I meant to leave this comment as a review. I subscribed recently and have been reading the daily email since. I have not seen a single email that was not relevant and very informative. This is a great resource. I look forward to reading the emails every day. Thank you.
Thank you, Dr. Sadek, for becoming a Member and for your kind words of encouragement!
S&P is the best pharmacology resource I know. For years, I read Alan Gelenberg’s Biological Therapies in Psychiatry. After he retired, I could not find anything comparable to replace it. Has Dr Mago given thought to how his invaluable service might continue into the future?
the more i read simple practicle the more i love it. He is like the Peter Attia of Mental Health. For example, when I have a question on constipation from a patient – reading the recent article on constipation was AMAZING..It was not just take colace. It was soo informative it made my patient truly feel happy in my care.
I feel compelled to write a review and spread the word today because a question I asked regarding a patient’s adverse effect was answered in such a detailed, well-referenced, and useful way by the incredible educator Dr Mago. For a pittance, you get a daily well-researched “tip” about an advanced psychopharmacology topic (with references). It is the most valuable psychopharmacology resource I have access to. I feel grateful for access to the community providing “just in time” answers and valuable, unbiased education.
I enjoy waking up to an email that will educate me and benefit me in my career. thank you so much for this website!
Dr Mago makes complicated matters simple
Dr. Raj and his “Simple and Practical” has been the best investment I have made since starting my career as a PMHNP. It is affordable but I tell everyone I know “It is worth millions”. I can provide better care to may patients and the information I need is quickly available. If I it isn’t available Dr. Raj is on it. I never have to worry because he is always there to help. I truly value all that you do!!!! Thank you for helping me to become a better practitioner.
Hats off to you, Dr. Mago! Brilliant!
“Simple and practical” just doesn’t do justice to how much “need-to-know” evidence is covered.
Indebted to you way more than the ridiculously inexpensive subscription. Thank you.
Brilliant! “Simple and practical” just doesn’t do justice to how much “need-to-know” evidence is covered.
Hats off, Dr. Mago! Indebted to your service way more than the ridiculously inexpensive subscription. Thank you!
The uniform enthusiasm about “Simple and Practical” reflects my own sentiments as a relatively new reader of the daily blog. Rajnish provides a very balanced and honest review of the issues thus engendering confidence in the reader that we are receiving a valid and objective opinion and recommendation. The breadth of knowledge and energy required to maintain such a high level of review and advice on a daily basis is truly remarkable. A great service to clinicians and academics alike.
Thank you to Dr. Rajnish Mago for this wonderful and original way to stay up to date in psychopharmacology. We have daily answers based on sound scientific grounds, easy to read, and clinically oriented, to precise questions we can ask ourselves in the everyday clinical work. It’s really a nice and very useful way to learn more daily! I would say a must for all doctors working in psychiatry.
Joanne Baillargeon, MD (Psychiatrist in private practice, Montreal, Canada)
Wow! I had no idea what I was missing. I look forward to my psychopharm lesson each day — and have already gathered many pearls that have tweaked my practice pattern. I’ve been getting Simple and Practical for about 3 months now, and have told so many colleagues about it. It is a must have!
I am a psychiatrist and enjoy reading. your insightful emails every day.
Shahla Bagheri, MD (Raleigh, North Carolina)
Practical, educational and fosters curiosity and enjoyment of practicing psychopharmacology
Thanks, Dr. Hawkins!!
A few different collegues told me about how amazing this website/resource was at different points. I always thought about getting it but never really got around to subscribing until this year. I could not be more thrilled that I got it and wish I had found it sooner! It is the perfect, bite-size amount of daily information and so practical and relevant! This is the best resource I have found so far for my outpatient psychiatry practice. I save all the emails in my gmail and go back to them when I encounter certain tricky issues in my practice. Dr. Mago seems SO intelligent and makes the information so easy to understand. I use all the “side effects” handouts, references to the Indiana enzyme table, and occasionally even write in with questions (which are always answered very promptly and to my satisfaction.) I am so grateful that Dr. Mago took the time to create this website for such a nominal fee to us and would recommend hands-down it to any psychiatrist. I am SO glad my collegues clued me in!
Great tips! Useful and easy to digest. Highly recommended.
Thanks, Dr. Villagomez!
I find Simpleandpractical a valuable source for my ongoing / daily clinical knowlege. Over the years of have developed an aversion for reading long articles to get couple useful points relevant to my practice. Simpleandpractical provides that couple points in a fraction of time. Thank you.Mahmood Jahromi
Thanks so much, Dr. Jahromi, for your encouragement!
“Simple and Practical” puts me in the midst of a well informed community that shows up to work with me everyday with discerning questions and carefully supported discussions. My medical management knowledge has grown exponentially and my patients have benefited because of “Simple and Practical.” This forum is indispensable and priceless. Happy 730th Day!
Awesome! You made my day, Dr. Meisamy.
Congratulations Dr. Mago on now having shared 500 teaching vignettes which I believe have benefited all of us in clinical practice every day!
I encounter a wide range of CME like my colleagues but yours is clearly the most helpful as well as digestible in its format. It contributes greatly to both maintaining and extending my clinical knowledge. I imagine it must be very challenging to produce the volume of high quality educational content you do and like my colleagues I commend your efforts.
Johnny ‘Reardon MD, Private Practice, Voorhees, NJ
I signed up for simple and practical in 2017 and thought it was so useful and pertinent, that I subscribed for all our prescribing providers in our group practice. They provided feedback of how beneficial the daily informative emails are. I will be offering annual subscriptions to all who join our team at Oak Health Center. Thank you for this!
I look forward to reading “Simple and Practical every day! I wish I would have found it sooner. I find pearls to help me manage medications and side effects that I often wondered about but didn’t know where to find the answers to my questions. It is truly Simple, Practical, and the most helpful and informative site I have found. Quick, easy to access and spot on! Thank you so much, Dr. Mago. I can’t recommend it enough!
I very much enjoy reading the psychiatric blurbs in Simple and Practical.
In fact I look forward to these emails every morning.
I think there is something there for everyone.
For trainees and young psychiatrists, Dr. Mago offers simple albeit practical teaching points in bite size pieces.
For the others, it is refreshing, reviewing and sometimes even learning new material.
A great resource for everyone.
Kudos to Dr. Mago!
Vani Rao, MD (Assoc Prof; Johns Hopkins University)
I am a member for more than six months now in this helpful website and its valuable mailing list. It is as it’s name “simple and practical” . It offers very clinical points for mental healthcare clinicians. Dr. Mago is interactive with our comments and messages. This service is essential for every mental health clinicians.
SimpleandPractical is one of the best webs know, plenty of important information. Thank you very much to Rajnish Mago, for his useful work in helping psychiatrists of all the world
Norberto Saidman
Psychopharmacology Proffessor Universidad de Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Posted on https://www.facebook.com/simpleandpracticalmentalhealth/ on January 15, 2017)
I look forward to the emails which arrive seamlessly. I particular like the fact that they are informative and too the point. A great resource ! Dr Miric – Psychiatrist (private practice – Johannesburg)
I find “Simple and Practical” a great and easy way to keep up with the latest psycho-pharmacological information. The tips Dr. Mago gives are very practical and easy to apply in your practice. I can’t recommend it enough. It’s easily worth twice the fee he charges.
It’s been so helpful to use on a daily basis. Love short and concise details with very educational material. As a child psychiatrist, this material has been extremely valuable though would appreciate a little more pediatric material.