Making sure our Daily Emails get delivered to you
We strongly recommend that you use a personal rather than institutional email address for your Membership (subscription) to Simple and Practical Mental Health Education. Institutional email filters often block group emails like ours. Also, in case you leave that institution in the future, you will have continuity in receiving our emails.
Also, Yahoo, AOL, AT&T and SBCglobal may block our emails. We recommend not using email address associated with any of these email service providers. If you do not have any other email address, please see our Instructions for Yahoo subscribers and Instructions for AOL subscribers page for the smooth delivery of emails.
Cancelation/ Refunds
If a Membership (subscription) is canceled within the periods described below, a full refund will be issued (minus a 5% processing fee).
– New, first-time Yearly Memberships: may be canceled within the first 30 days of joining.
– Renewals of Yearly Memberships: may be canceled within 30 days of the Membership being renewed.
– Monthly Memberships: may be canceled within one week of first joining.
– Renewals of Monthly Memberships: No refunds will be issued. If canceled, the Membership will terminate at the end of the month that was paid for.
Please see the details of our cancellation and refund policy on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page.
Automatic Renewal
For your convenience, your membership will automatically be renewed (monthly or yearly, as applicable). The reason for this is that If there is any interruption in your subscription, the whole sequence of daily emails gets messed up and has to be reset manually by a customer service representative. You will receive an email in advance letting you know that your Membership will soon be renewed.
By subscribing to this website, you are agreeing to automatic renewal of your Membership.
If you specifically want to opt out of the automatic renewal of your Membership (we hope not!), please email us at customerservice@