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All of us want to be known as true experts—MASTER psychopharmacologists. But, there are some problems:
– The overwhelming amount of information and details that we need to know about psychiatric medications and their potential side effects.
– Much of what is taught in psychiatry is not of practical use. It is never going to help any of our patients!
– On the other hand, a LOT of the details of psychopharmacology that we DO need to know are NOT taught anywhere. Very frustrating!
– Educational materials provide a lot of unnecessary information that is only of interest to researchers. For example:
“Smith et al. said this and Jones et al. said that.”
Or, “243 patients (mean age 42.1 years, 56% female) were randomized to 6 week of treatment with ….”
Or, “RR 1.34 [CI 1.12 – 1.63], p = 0.02” ☺
That is why thousands of our mental health clinicians subscribe to SimpleandPractical.com.
Simple and Practical is a unique, amazing psychopharmacology education resource that will give you more bangs for the buck than any other. What will subscribing to this resource do for you?
1. Every day, you will receive advanced practical psychopharmacology tips in a short email that you can read in just 5 minutes per day. How can that be? Because the emails cut out the BS and leave out simpler things that you already know. Just high-yield, advanced psychopharm tips that will actually be useful in your clinical practice. Guaranteed.
2. You will get immediate access to all the articles at simpleandpractical.com. So, you can quickly look up answers to psychopharm questions when you need to.
Note: Simple and Practical has a 30-day, no-questions-asked, 100% money-back guarantee.
Read the reviews!
Still not sure whether you really need this resource and whether you will really find it that helpful? Look at some of the AMAZING reviews from your colleagues (and, also, from top psychopharmacology experts!).
“Every day, incredibly useful clinical pearls. After 30 years of practice, I am amazed by how much I didn’t know! Best [education] $ ever spent!”
(Mark Komrad, MD. Psychiatrist in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.)
“Simple and Practical really is so helpful. Can’t tell you how many times I have looked for answers to questions / concerns and found them! THANK YOU!”
(Romani George, MD. Psychiatrist in Plymouth Meeting, PA. Medical Director Community Care Behavioral Health Organization)
“After 25 years practicing psychiatry, I have tried many types of CME, Updates, Newsletters, etc and I receive the most consistent knowledge from your website and emails. This is the best source of Continuing Education I have found in 25 years.”
(John Justice, MD (West Virginia University School of Medicine, Poca, West Virginia).
“Dr. Mago, I just want to say “thank you!” This is truly the best money I’ve spent on educational material…I’ve been steadily getting these pearls in my inbox and read each one and can say that your efforts are very much appreciated.”
(Mo Dattu, MD. Psychiatrist in private practice, Pennsylvania, USA).
“Wow! I had no idea what I was missing. I look forward to my psychopharm lesson each day — and have already gathered many pearls that have tweaked my practice pattern. I’ve been getting Simple and Practical for about 3 months now, and have told so many colleagues about it. It is a must-have!”
(Nzinga Harrison, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Anka Behavioral Health Inc.)
“I look forward to reading Simple and Practical every day! I wish I would have found it sooner. I find pearls to help me manage medications and side effects that I often wondered about but didn’t know where to find the answers to my questions. It is truly simple, practical, and the most helpful and informative site I have found. Quick, easy to access and spot on! Thank you so much, Dr. Mago. I can’t recommend it enough!”
(Diane O’Donnell MSN APNP. Wauwatosa, Wisconsin, USA.)
“It is a very useful website that is unlike any other resource that I have seen. Great, great stuff.”
(Kari Groff, MD. Psychiatrist in private practice, New York, USA).
“Thank you for this excellent website. I am not sure how I was managing to practice without this. I use it daily.”
(Saba Mansoor, MD. Psychiatrist in private practice. Scottsdale, Arizona, USA).
“Your ‘simple and practicals’ have helped me out immensely—information we don’t ordinarily get.”
(Karen Giuliani, NP, PhD, Private Practice, Massapequa, NY)
“I LOVE this website and its content. Its relevance and format are superb!”
Thomas G. Howington (PMHNP-BC, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jackson, Mississippi)
“I have practiced Psychiatry in an academic medical center for 45 years, and in the past few years, I have come to rely on Simple and Practical to provide useful and rapid information to address both clinical problems and to inform my teaching…”
(James L. Stinnett, MD. Professor Emeritus, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA).
“I am impressed with the breadth of practical knowledge and how well you convey it to your readers. I look forward to the daily emails and have made changes to my clinical practice based on the information you have conveyed.”
(Mark Zimmerman, MD. Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Warren Alpert Medical School of Brown University, and Director of Adult Outpatient Psychiatry and the Partial Hospital Program, Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, USA).
“Your daily posts are worth more than what we are paying.”
(Pankaj Kishore, MD. Psychiatrist in private practice. Albany, New York, USA).
“I have been going through your amazing tips daily in between seeing patients. I feel like I have taken away more in a month than I did in a year reading [other well-known sources]”
(Bowie Han, MD. PGY-3 resident, Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois)
To read more reviews of this website is, please click on the following link: https://simpleandpractical.com/reviews
Message from the Founder
I created this website not because there is a lack of information freely available on the internet. I created it because there is too much information, contradictory information, information that is plain wrong, and often not what we need as clinicians.
Any clinician prescribing psychotropic medications can become a truly expert psychopharmacologist by becoming a Member of Simple and Practical Mental Health because we give you only practical information, briefly, and in easily readable language.
Here are your benefits as a Member:
1. Every single day, 365 days a year, you will receive an email of 250 to 500 words with some high-yield tips related to psychopharmacology. This makes it very easy to learn something important every day in just 3 to 5 minutes by simply reading the daily emails whenever you have a few minutes.
2. Also, when clinical questions related to psychopharmacology come up, you can look up answers on our website by using the menus that are at the top of every page on the website.
3. If you don’t find the answer to your question, you can also post your questions on our “Got questions?” page that is also linked to at the top of every page on our website. If your question is of general interest, we will try to prioritize writing an article to answer it.
Here are FIVE reasons why you should become a Member of Simple and Practical Mental Health:
1. You want to keep learning but are probably busy with both work and your personal life. Let us do the work for you! We can save you a LOT of time.
2. You are primarily a clinician, not a researcher. You are interested only in PRACTICAL tips and key information that can help you in your clinical work. We filter out the 95% that is theoretical and only give you the 5% that is of practical use.
3. You are tired of looking at material that is unnecessarily complicated, uses statistics, and so on. We always give our Members tips and information written in plain English.
4. You want information that is authoritative.
5. The brevity of the daily emails is a big selling point. Since we all have a lot to do, having a trusted source just deliver us the answers in two paragraphs that can be read in less than 5 minutes per day is invaluable.
You will have continuous access to simple, actionable tips and information related to real-life clinical practice in mental health. 100% money-back guarantee! (see below)
***Click here to become a Member!***
Included in your Membership:
#1. Two to three paragraphs of advanced tips in psychopharmacology, one email per day, every single day, directly in your email, no click required. Wow! That’s a LOT of value.
#2. In addition, immediate access to the entire website with tons of articles and tips with high-yield, clinically useful material that has been carefully crafted for busy clinicians.
#3. Bonus: Online access to the entire content and most up-to-date versions of my two books: The Latest Antidepressants and Side Effects of Psychiatric Medications — included in your membership at no extra cost.
Not sure if this membership is going to be worth it? Don’t worry — we have a risk-free, 100% money-back guarantee!** If for any reason you don’t think the material you get is very helpful to you, all you have to do is to email us at customerservice@simpleandpractical.com with the words “Request refund” within the first 30 days after joining the membership. That’s it. No need to give a reason. No questions asked. We will immediately refund your membership.
** No refunds are offered on yearly membership after 30 days of joining the yearly membership. Similarly, no refunds are offered to monthly members after 7 days of joining the monthly membership. Please see the details of membership cancellation and refund policy on our Membership cancellation policy page.
***Click here to become a Member of Simple and Practical!***
Hi Dr. Mago,
I would like to give a yearly subscription as a “thank you” to a colleague who saw a consultation for me very quickly.
How do I go about doing this? Is there a way to find out if they already subscribe?
Many thanks.
Lesley MacArthur
Hi Dr. MacArthur: I am delighted that you are considering giving a colleague a gift subscription! If you let us know the person’s name, we can let you know if the person is already a subscriber. Alternatively, you can still give the gift; if the person is a subscriber, we would add another year to the subscription.
Happy holidays Dr Mago. I would like to give 2 gift subscriptions to your daily email to colleagues. Since my subscription is fairly new (+/- 1 month) is there an available discount for two additional subscriptions?
Do you have discounts for students
Yes, we do! Please email customerservice@simpleandpractical.com with your information.