Selected and reviewed by Rajnish Mago, MD (bio)
A huge proportion of people are overweight or obese and this has serious health implications. We should encourage everyone to know what the range for their healthy weight is, based on their height and weight. This can be easily done by going to THIS LINK.
There is no lack of information or advice about how those who are objectively overweight or obese can lose weight but “quick-fixes” don’t work long term. I strongly, strongly recommend two amazing books about how to lose weight and keep it off. One of them is about what to eat and not eat, and the other is about what may be even more important—HOW to be able to follow a healthy diet long-term despite cravings for unhealthy foods.
The books on this page are listed in the order of their importance.
The incredible thing about this book is that nowhere in it does the other say what you should eat. What the book covers are the psychological tools that can help us to do what we know we should do. This is a revolutionary book—no exaggeration.
From the back cover: “If you are serious about losing weight, this may be the most important book you will ever read. Dr. Beck provides practical, powerful, and pound-eliminating tools to maximize your dieting efforts and pave the way to permanent weight loss.”
by Michael Greger MD, FACLM
In one book, Dr. Greger has covered ALL the things that should and should not be in a healthy diet. And, a unique thing about his approach is that he provides references to scientific studies for every recommendation he makes. I am a huge fan of his work. I felt so strongly about his advice that I bought and gifted copies of his books to several family members and friends.
From the back cover: “How Not to Diet is one of the best books I’ve ever read on how to lose weight in sustainable ways that enhance health.”
by Judith S. Beck PhD
This book is an optional companion to the absolutely essential book The Beck Diet Solution, which is reviewed above.
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